The Bush presidency has been a complete disaster, and while I'm far from naive enough to think the new boss will come in and wave a magic wand and wipe all our problems away, it sure feels good to know that there's someone thoughtful, intelligent and yeah, inspiring at the helm.
I'm a fairly forgiving sort by nature, so it's tempting to think that since the Bush years are over, let's let bygones be bygones and move on. But then you take a look back over the last eight years and remember the inane blunders and horrible decisions, the strident, divisive "If you don't agree with me then you're not a true American" attitude...and it's really pretty unforgivable.

Just lovely. But at least you could be nice enough to give him an astronaut suit, with air... for 5 minutes.
It's in my nature to feel sorry for the guy, but I'm not allowing myself to to that. He's not worthy of forgiveness. Besides, he brought it all on himself.
Great illustration Rob! Don't feel don't have to forgive someone who is so arrogant. The last eight years have been an unmitigated disaster. I'm tired of being labelled as unpatriotic for not supporting his policies. Let's see if those same people will be willing to consider themselves as unpatriotic if they don't fall right in line with the new presidents ideas.
Personally it felt great to watch the inauguration where the theme was "Man, things suck right now," and five feet away is Bush trying to keep his head down.
In your drawing I could just picture him saying "No one could have expected this ass-kicking."
The Financial Times had quite a nice send-off for Dubya. It reported that there was a cacophony of full-throated boos when Bush made his entrance to the inauguration of Barack Obama. It went on to mention that one woman said she felt bad for Bush while another woman said she did not but saved her feelings for all the people who lost their lives in Iraq and all the people who lost their homes.
Yeah, man! It's all Bush's fault that the world economy crumbled. His and his alone. He's the personification of evil! What a jerk. I bet Halliburton paid him to do it. What a stinker. Somehow he ramrodded that stupid Iraq war thingy through congress without a single democrat voting for it. I still think he had something to do with 9/11. Well at least St. Barack is here to save us by printing new money and giving it to the low IQ folks.
Obama is Saul Alinksky's proudest moment. If he was alive today he would be in the Whitehouse with Obama today. Obama is a pure Socialist and he and his co conspiritors wiil destroy American Capitalism and set this country back 50 years. He's a liar and has deceived millions with his rederick. He promised over and over that he would not allow ear marks and wasteful spending, but look what just happened. Obama can not be trusted Americans !!!!!!
I'd like to know why it is you conservative creeps are too goddamn cowardly to post your names along with your screeds. I'd delete this nonsensical comment, but I find the spelling errors (rederick?) and bat-shit paranoia too fucking hilarious.
Really - the embodiment of evil is Chariman O'dumba and his brand of Marxism (a.k.a. slavery), which left unchecked, could ultimately rival the Soviets and Mao. Even Chavez is laughing at this person's extreme leftist policies. What a joke.
Bush didn't help anything by going along with that TARP rubbish, so there's no love lost in him/them either. Both parties in their current form should be scrapped and the members dismissed.
Having said that, the worst thing we can have in the executive office is a narcissistic meglomaniac. History is littered with these personalities, and we know what oligarchies they lead to.
Hey, "anonymous", did you even read the comment I made right above your paranoid little screed?
I'm not sure exactly what you're responding to, considering that nowhere in my post did I refer to Dubya as "the Embodiment of Evil". I do think he's an idiot, however...a point on which we seem to somewhat agree. So why the need to seek out my mostly apolitical comments section and gutlessly post this anonymous tirade?
I think all we've proven is that you're a complete fucking idiot with no comprehension skills.
Mr. Ullman,
The evil descriptor was really a response to another "responder" who used the word "evil."
A word you do use, is "inspiring." I personally don't think "inspiring" should be a qualification for anything. Only rational thought holds water in my world, so obviously I do not agree that the current "ruler" (as his wife has characterized him) has any substantial qualifications - as policies to date bear witness.
Perhaps I shouldn't use your blog for tirades, but I assumed that this section was for comments. I merely commented on thoughts your article brought to mind, as well as to another responder's words. I just don't agree with your political summary. In fact, I think it is far from being "apolitical."
"Anonymous" is used because I don't want any big brother visits in response to citizens who point out that the Emperor has no clothes.
Good luck with your art. You are talented.
Anonymous P. The-Emperor-Has-No-Clothes, Jr.
Thanks for the kind words.
That being said...
You don't want to use your name because you're afraid of Big Brother? How long has that been a concern, since last week when Sarah Palin mentioned it? For pete's sake, dude, no one is going to come for you...that's just a paranoid fantasy concocted by some ratings-grabbing talk radio host you'd be smarter and better off not listening to. Whatever, when you grow a pair and want to stop being "The Anonymous Master P" or whoever, c'mon back and we'll talk, Otherwise, I'm done wit' cha. Let me know when the spaceship lands.
Also, I just looked back over the previous comment, and the only person to use the word "evil" was another of you anonymous right-wingers, his words dripping with sarcasm. Can you even read?
NOW I'm done.
"Thoughtful, intelligent and yeah, inspiring", huh? How's that workin' out for ya? You're a great artist, no denying it. How about sticking to sketching babes in sports jerseys to wank to... and leave the political stuff to say... people who do meaningful things with their lives?
"People who do meaningful things with their lives"? Such as posting anonymously on other people's blogs?
Come see me at a con sometime and we'll hash this out in person, you cowardly, pathetic cockwallet.
My advice is: "don't feed the trolls." I had a bad infestation (really, just one dude) a while ago and it took banning to get them to stop being idiots.
Hey Ullman, how's the hope working out for you?
Unfortunately, hope is not a plan.
December 30, 2009
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