Late posting today, due to my sitting on my ass all afternoon recovering from the Ginger Classic, an inline Iron-man hockey tournament organized by carrot-topped super-hero Chase Vaughn. My wife actually came out to the rink to spectate and brought the camera, but unfortunately, the only action shots she got of me were when I was trying to stop Evie from stealing someone's gatorade. Thankfully, Chase's pal Matt snapped some shots as well.

EDIT: Goalie Patrick Snyder's wife was also taking photos, and got me in an actual action (as in, I'm moving) shot! Srsly, the best part of my game is the Whalers jersey.
Go Whalers!
Who needs skills with a fine jersey like that?
No helmet?
Kudos to the Whale sweater, but(-)1 for going with the post-1993 iteration.
sportin' the whale tale!
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