I was absolutely in love with it. Jimmy's drawings of women are just fantastic, deceptively simple and full of life and energy. I had to have more. I spent a bunch of cash on Jimmy's books via mail-order from the Fichtre! website, dovoured them, and sent an embarrassingly fannish email, leading to a little correspondence (and a couple traded books!). He's kindly commented on my work here from time to time as well, which is always a thrill.
Anyway, as Jimmy Beaulieu's profile here in the US comics market seems to be kinda small, I wanted to use whatever voice I have here to promote his stuff and encourage people to check him out...if you like the stuff on Atom-Bomb Bikini, I can't imagine you'd find it anything short of amazing. So first, drop by his blog (if you're fluent in francais you're really in for a treat!), and then, take a look at the Fichtre! website and consider placing an order. I'd recommend -22° and Appalaches to anyone, and if you're feeling a little more adventurous and want to bust out that French dictionary from high school, pick up Ma Voisine en Maillot and Le Moral des Tropes as well. Hell, pick up any of 'em...they're all great, and you'll be glad you did.
Here are a couple examples from Jimmy's site, posted without permission. Hope that's cool!

Jimmy Beaulieu is so so good. I bought Ma Voisine en Maillot off of amazon.ca after seeing his work posted on drawingboard.org a few times. I can't read it either, but the storytelling and effortless looking drawing style more than compensate for that. It'd be great if someone published english language editions.
T.J., definitely check out -22 next time you order from amazon.ca...it's definitely worth the ten bucks, and it's all wordless! (Incidentally, did you order from there and receive it here in the U.S.? I've wanted to order stuff from the .ca in the past and I wasn't sure if it'd work.).
Yeah, somebody needs to do an English edition of his material. I'm gonna suggest it to anyone who'll listen at SPX!
they look so great! i love this pixs!
Great stuff, I need to get me some! Do I see some similarities in that last pic and the one you were working up some time ago with the chick and the cat?
I can see how this guy would be a big influence on you, in a GOOD way. You've got a LOT in common, a very naturalistic/from the cuff outlook on the female form. In more than a few ways, I'm envious of you both. I AM bombed right now, but still....
I had no issues ordering from Amazon.ca, shipping to my upstate NY address. I've been meaning to order more from there. Although Stuart NG books may have a better selection of french language comics.
I'll probably see you at SPX - I'll be at the Oni booth.
OK, now you've pretty much made my day/week/mounth !
Thank you so much, Rob ! Pretty sure I'm blushing right now !
My blog is somewhat dead right now because I'm working on a comic story, but I'll try and post some new stuff soon.
It's always a treat to visit your blog.
You're right. That guy's got skills. It's definitely worth a look, for sure.
Jimmy is a master, here, in Québec!
Longue vie aux oeuvres de Beaulieu!
Jimmy's got great chops and, to make things even better, is a swell guy. It's been interesting to watch his drawing style develop over the past decade.
I feel obliged to recommend his writing as well, since it is top notch, among the best in the autobio/slice of life vein. Y'all are unfortunately missing that aspect of Jimmy's work. Le Moral des Troupes is all-around awesome; I'm about 2 years behind in sending Jimmy a nice missive about it, so maybe he'll read this and save me some embarrassment!
I ordered a couple of his books, as per your recommendation. Hopefully I will get them sometime this week.
~I read a few pages from Le Moral Des Troupes and now I wanna buy it hehe You know the Vietnamese family he talks about in the story... Its my family... my dads, aunts and uncles who came from Vietnam in the mid-70s hehe =D
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