

Exciting news: Richmond has a new free alt-weekly newspaper! Since the phenomenal PUNCHLiNE went tits-up back in 2002, the city has been sorely lacking a real alternative newsrag (the affable but boring STYLE and abominable WADI nonwithstanding). Finally, it's here. It's called BRiCK....and better yet, it's being headed up by PUNCHLiNE editor Pete Humes, whose vision, hard work and hilarious writing always made that paper so worth picking up. I expect great things.

I'd been saving this news to announce once some content made it up on the website, but I decided I didn't want to wait any longer!

Here's an illo I did for the first issue of BRiCK, from a short column on podcasts worth checking out...specifically the ZenCast. Mrs. Chappy says it'd look good on a t-shirt. (Coincidentally, I'm about one-third of the way through Osamu Tezuka's massive, fantastic BUDDHA graphic novel series, although that book has very little to do with this image.)

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