Here's the third installment of a too-infrequent little experiment I have going with my pal
Jay Geldhof, where we each do our own rendition of the
same character. Actually, I should probably amend that last statement, 'cause the more often we do these, the more often I'll look like a chump, as I do in this case. My drawing is okay, whatever...but
his is simply awesome, and blows mine out of the water in every conceivable way. Curses!
I dig it!
Funny the way we unknowingly picked just about the same background color!
I've got a idea for the next one...
I hate to have to say it Rob, but it does blow yours out of the water. This is merely a comment on Jay's being way super awesome. I will always love you Rob.
they are both gorgeous. my stick figures, let me show you them.
The way he drew her gloves and the her eye is bitchin' but I like yours better Rob. Just a style thing mainly. The lips and the attitude are cooler on yours.
Robert I'm not sure how to email you, so I'm leaving this as a comment. I've been reading your RSS feed for a long time now. I also check this website called once in a while. I'm not involved with the site, but I like the concept and the artwork. Go check it out, I bet you'll like it. Roll to the bottom and read the FAQ. I'd love to see you join their team.
What @adam said.
Don't sell yourself short, Rob!
:) Love your stuff! :D
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