For starters, how about this piece from this week's Las Vegas Weekly, about the recent spate of Pageant Queens Gone Wild, including the former Ms. Nevada, Katie Rees, whose real-life sinful behavior can be lamped here. All's I know is, people didn't party this way when I was 17. Not in Northeast Ohio, anyway.

Unbelievable! I actually lived in Warren from '76 to '85! Well, technically, anyway...we were on the outskirts ( I went to school in Newton Falls), but our mailing address said Warren! My dad worked downtown for Ohio Edison. In early '86 we moved to Stow (near Akron) and that's where I went to high school.
It's crazy how small the world is, ain't it?
This would be even creepier if I had moved to Chapel Hill when I left Ohio for NC back in 1995, rather than Greensboro (the house there was nicer). Still weird.
Too funny!
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