
Mountaineers, Dodgers, Predators


Anonymous said...

Wonderfull like always.

Anonymous said...

I just became a Mountaineers fan !

Anonymous said...

These are GREAT, as usual!

DanMcB said...

WVU girls rock!

Anonymous said...

the Dodgers girl....well I would do NAUGHTY things to her. WOW

chibi said...

i'm a little surprised, with all of the fuss every season over uniforms, that you haven't done a girl for the university of oregon....

Anonymous said...

Rob, I'm a frequent visitor courtesy of Uni Watch. I'm interested in having a pinup of my wife done in a Mets pinstripe jersey. Just curious to know how much they're running. Please shoot me an email at jjmcelwain26@students.cumberland.edu.

Unknown said...

Ok I dont mean to be pickey, but I scrolled for 15 min to find your preditors girl, and I was disapointed. Im not a fan of Red Heads. Please Sir May we have Another?