
Space Girl

Here's a recent commission I did for a fan...pretty fun, I must admit. Bikinis in space...doesn't seem all that practical, but it makes a killer image! Mark, if you're reading, your artwork is on the way!

By the by, if you'd like to get a commission like this of your very own, email me with the details of your request...I'll give you an estimate of how long it'll take, charge you a measly 75 bucks, and we'll get it started!


Anonymous said...

I love it!

I would assume that being colder than a witches tit, space might cause some serious nipple perkage though...

Brooke Ullman said...

Oh, I like it! I like the way you handled the edges of space,too - nice complete little illo. Kind of reminds my of "Kentucky Fried Movie", am I admitting something by saying that?

Robert Ullman said...

Hey, all right! Thanks, babe!