
I Need a Hero!

I went to Charlotte, North Carolina for the Heroes Con a few weeks back and it absolutely rocked the frickin' house. I'd been to the con before, both as spectator and exhibitor, and while I'd always had a good ol' geeky time, I was never exactly blown away by the indy/art comix presence at the show. The con organizers (most notably the amazing Dustin Harbin) took it upon themselves to address those concerns this year, creating a little oasis of altcomics in the middle of the convention floor (aptly named Indy Island), and it was an unfathomable success. I'd always considered Charlotte to be an artless metropolis full of bankers and wanna-be bankers, but did the Queen City ever prove me wrong! I had one of my best shows ever, and I'm definitely heading back in '06!

Anyway, I had planned to do a whole big con report, but at this point I've kinda run out of steam, so I'm gonna leave the reportage to my good pal J. Chris Campbell, whose Heroes Con report woulda left mine in the dust even if I had remembered to take pictures! Excelsior!

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