
Cosmic Cathouse

Another fantastic gig from Las Vegas Weekly to kick off 2012, this one about a soon-to-open brothel in southern Nevada with a sci-fi theme! I shoulda asked to be paid in "store credit"!


Talonvaki said...

Is that...Eccentrica Gallumbits, the triple-breasted whore of Eroticon 6...second from the left?


Robert Ullman said...

I wish I could say yes...but I actually had the three-boobed mutant prostitute from Total Recall in mind when I drew this.

But still...THREE BOOBS!

MaddMatt said...

love this one! it should be a full series!

T.M.K. said...

LiLu Dallas, Multipass???

Jes said...

Hahaha I love it! And I didn't even notice the three boobs at first... lol.