
Stealing Scarlett

My wife's mom has been staying with us all week, and its been a godsend; She's been taking care of the baby about 90% of the time during the day, allowing me to get more work done in the last five days than I had in the last five weeks. I've also been catching up on errands, yard work, stuff like that, which is how I came to find myself sitting in our local Jeep dealership this morning. We get free oil changes there, but it takes forever...I spent most of the four hours at a nearby Panera, but I trudged on back and ended up having to sit in the waiting room for the last half-hour or so while they finished up. Anyway, as I was sitting there, I saw an issue of Elle from last fall on a side table, w/ Scarlett Johansson on the cover. I picked it up, 'natch, flipped through...standard puff piece type of thing, but for one photo, which I really dug...it was a cool, super-cute pose, and I really wanted to draw it. I considered trying to tear the page out, but I figgered that'd be too obvious and attract too much attention, so I figured I'd just make a mental note of it and try to find it online somewhere later. But then again, there was no guarantee I'd find it online, and there was always a chance I'd forget, so...

...I stole the goddamn magazine.


American Narada said...

I love your work, man.

MariBy said...

hehehe about stealing the magazine. You do great work!

Unknown said...

Ahh Scarlet. Her almost whimsical posture makes her fun to draw.

Anonymous said...

This entry presented me with the hardiest laugh I've had all week.

Shon Richards said...

I was thinking about the evils of theft but then I saw it was Scarlett. Yeah, I would have done the same thing.