Hey! This weekend I'm going to
Heroes Con in Charlotte, North Carolina! If you happen to find yourself in the Tarheel State, be sure to drop by..it should be quite the time! I'll be sharing some space with my pal Kelly Alder at Table 704 in Indie Island. I'll also be taking part in a panel inventively titled "Minicomics - Did You For Real Make That Yourself?" along with my good friends J. Chris Campbell, Jim Mahfood and Ben Towle!
A couple things I'm looking forward to, other than the hanging out and the drinking:
• Meeting Jerry Robinson: I very seldom take books along to cons to be autographed...but this is a notable exception. How can you resist getting the John Hancock and (hopefully) chatting for a few minutes with the man who pretty
created the Joker and Robin during the formative years of Batman, even if that wily Bob Kane took all the credit! If the interview he did for the Comics Journal is to be believed, I bet this man has some amazing stories to tell.
•Buying some ridiculous item of fanboy crap. I seldom indulge, so it's always nice to pick out some
wacky item and get a
great con deal!
• Finally, being able to look one of my fans in the eye...specifically, the one who commissioned me to do the drawing below at Heroes Con 2004, a drawing I only recently finished and sent along!